If your planning on going with the blower kit, do not buy an ECU or
any other electronic devices...they come with the kit. The Kamikaze header
is also part of the kit, and it's almost 20 hp above any of the competition.
As for NOS....Never touch the stuff.
For your inlet tube use a constant 3" ID tube, and build a radiused
connection for the throttle body as I described the other evening. Use
the formula R/D=.5 , where D is the diameter of the max.ID of the throttle
body, should give you a theoretical entry radius of about 1.3". So if you
make a drawing of the side view of the throttle body, the ID is 2.90",
now set a compass to 1.3" and place the point 1.3" away from the TB and
swing an arc. Repeat for the other side, and you'll see the correct shape
or radius to build.
.............................T.O.O. ..............................................