Some golden oldies (Hope you don't mind TOO)

Posted by alloy_625 on October 15, 1998 at 12:59:36:

I only have a couple messages dating from before Frank started archiving so here they are. At the time, I wasn't really sure who this guy was so I read it and let it go into the big bit bucket in the sky...

 TOO's Civic Motor

Overlord, As recently my every theory has come under fire, I'm extremely reluctant to answer ANY questions, however, in this case I'll provide your answers. On crankshafts, we don't feel that the stock crank is a liability when prepared properly, and run in conjunction with quality rods, pistons, and a cam,head,piston combination which concentrates the max. cyl. pressure well after TDC. Preparation of stock cranks here includes: Checking all cranks(even new) for surface flaws and internal imperfections. This is started with magnafluxing and then X Ray from 6 angles. From here we check for straightness, and make corrections accordingly. The counterweights are made more aerodynamic (remember the trailing edge means more than the leading in aero.) and the main and rod journals are "finished". The unit is then balanced to accomodate the rod / piston mass, and all balancing holes are "covered", and any weight added goes into the sides of the counter weights to keep the assy. as aerodynamic as possible. The cranks are also stress relieved, re checked for flaws, sonic cleaned, and ready to go. If hp. is going to be over 450 we have Moldex provide a billet which is also thoroughly tested prior to use.
On a stock 1.6, the rod length / stroke ratio is 1.52 - 1, and the piston speed / cylinder wall loading is tremendous.The stock stroke is 3.54", rod length is 5.39", the compression height(distance from piston pin c/l to top) is 1.15". So the block height (distance from crank c/l to the block deck) is .5 x 3.54" + 5.39" + 1.15" = 8.31". With our favored combination the numbers go like this: .5 x 3.54" + 6.12" + 1.05" = 8.94" for new block height. The difference betkeen the two is .63" or a "tad" greater than .625". The actual plate is about .70" when welded in place, to the block exterior and the aluminum cyl. bores. then it's(the block) heated, and new cyl. liners shrunk in place. After stress relieving, EVERY surface on the block is remachined as the mods. are so traumatic that the entire block is affected. The deck is milled after all the main saddles and other critical surfaces machined, including the holes for the head studs. Then after careful measurement, the cylinders are bored and honed perpendicular to the crank c/l, then after a "set - up" assembly, the deck is finally slowly machined to spec.
The rod / stroke ratio is 1.73 - 1 which is close to my "ideal" number, and, as I'm sure you may be wondering, I do move the pin up in the piston, and the ring package goes up as well......and I don't care what "conventional wisdom" says about it. One reason we have more business than we could ever do and maintain our "quality standards", is in all probability because our customers want to go faster (longer) than engines built with conventional wisdom allows.
We use injectors from RCE as well as some "sonic" experimental units we're building. Russ's units are the best on the market, currently. As far as ECU's, we use some unique electronic-mecanical components, which interface the Honda ECU and give really nice fuel curves in both normally aspirated and boosted conditions, including the transition areas. The fact that these are plug in modules, with their own limited windows of tunability allow fine tuning, but you can't get so far off- base that you'll hurt the engine. The components are, however, designed to work with our set-up, so were you to make major component changes, the window wouldn't be wide enough, and a programable ECU would be the best way to go. As ours should cost about $300.00, and will perform as well as some of the $5K units on the market, so we feel it's a nice alternative.
I'm going to be less accessable than before to avoid some of the "well they do it another way" BS. Lots do things other ways due to rules and also "conventional and tradicional" technology and the safety that it affords. I have always pushed the envelope, and as I've stated before, my way's not the only way either, and I DO guarantee our combinations, ask any of my customers.
Hope this answers some of your questions.
.....................The Old One..........................