ERL / Endyn Sleeved Block
Over the past five years, we've built engines with sleeved blocks from every manufacturer in the arena. We've seen everything from sleeved blocks with broken main webs, blocks that leaked oil and water where the machining broke through the block's exterior, sleeves that aren't straight, and of course, the most common ailment ...sleeves that sink.
In our efforts to provide our customers with engines that will be trouble-free, we've gone to great lengths to insure that sleeves will be stable allowing us to guarantee the quality of the engines we build. We've tested blocks sleeved by ERL during the past year, and the results have been excellent. From an engineering, machining , sleeve material / installation, and overall finish standpoint, the ERL blocks are quite simply in a league all their own. I should also mention that while other sleeving companies' warranties change monthly, ERL's warranty is as close to unconditional as you'll ever find, and that's a refreshing these days.
As with all other blocks, we still do all the final machining here at Endyn, including align-honing the mains, decking, boring/honing, and oil passage-rework allowing us to now offer what we feel are the best sleeved blocks in the industry.